In general, Hypertension or high blood pressure is a disease that leads to gradual damage to your health. It can slowly damage your blood vessels and heart. Due to its asymptomatic nature, people fail to realize that they are chronic sufferers of hypertension. They may find out about this disease only when they develop some health issues such as heart disease, cholesterol problems, or atherosclerosis. Although it might not lead to instant health damage, it is still considered bad, owing to its asymptomatic nature.
Some might even experience a sudden event like a heart attack or stroke after chronic high blood pressure. Such extreme incidents can have life-threatening consequences, which is why you must get a routine checkup of your health which will help you in eliminating the dangers of high blood pressure.
What causes blood pressure spikes?
Termed “silent killer”, high blood pressure is a chronic condition, which remains for the long term and deteriorates the health of the heart and blood vessels slowly. Several factors can contribute to the rise in blood pressure, one can manage high blood pressure by monitoring and controlling the following factors:
Moreover, Sodium is found mostly in salt. Moreover, Salt increases the amount of water in the body. It aids in water retention, due to which the fluids levels increase in the body. The blood volume also rises as a result. An increase in blood volume can affect the heart’s functioning, as the heart will have to exert more force to pump blood throughout the body. Moreover, This potentiates the risk of heart damage; therefore, one must limit their intake of salt.
Uncontrollable anger
Moreover, Anger increases stress, which can have an extremely bad effect on the heart. Anger is an extreme emotion, which causes a surge of cortisol and adrenaline, which constricts the blood vessels and increases the pressure with which the blood flows through the vascular passages.
Chronic stress
Long-term stress can cause a constant release of stress hormones, which contracts the blood vessels and allows less amount of blood to flow through them. This leads to a rise in blood pressure.
Individuals who drink regularly are more likely to develop hypertension, as its effects cause blood vessels to constrict which increases the blood flow and the pressure with which it flows through the vascular passages.
Caffeine lovers need to limit their caffeine intake, or else it can have a damaging impact on their health. It is a substance that has vasoconstriction properties. Excessive consumption of it can lead to heart damage.
Tobacco and cigarette
Chronic smokers are likely to develop severe forms of high blood pressure problems. Harmful chemicals present in tobacco and smoke cause the narrowing of the blood vessels and arteries. It also causes plaque buildup in the vascular passages. Plaque can clog the blood flow and restrict blood flow, which puts strain on the heart. Giving up smoking and tobacco is the only way to prevent health damage.
Ways to reduce the blood pressure
Stay fit
Moreover, Take care of yourself by dedicating your 30 minutes daily to exercise. Simple aerobic exercises like walking, brisk walking, bicycling, jogging, running, dancing, etc. will make your heart pump blood throughout the body in an efficient manner, that too with ease. Your heart’s endurance gets increased by performing some regular physical activities. Your blood falls and becomes normal, thereafter.
Eat clean
Avoid salty and oily foods. Include nutritious food options. Plan your meals and become aware of the kind of foods that enhance your health. Including vegetables, fruits, nuts, grains, and cereals in your meals will be beneficial for you. Give up foods that are loaded with high amounts of sodium and saturated or trans fats. Prepare a meal plan and include foods that are healthy for your heart.
Get in shape
For getting in shape, you need to get rid of those extra pounds. Overweight individuals are highly likely to experience issues with blood pressure, therefore, shedding some extra weight will ensure optimal functioning of the blood vessels and the heart.
When to see a doctor?
A condition like hypertension cannot be indicated through symptoms or signs. One has to get a routine health checkup to know whether they are experiencing a rise in blood pressure. In case the person has high blood pressure, they can prevent their condition from worsening by getting the appropriate treatment at the earliest. Moreover, This will eliminate their risk of severe hypertension along with heart attack or stroke.
Hypertension does not have any symptoms, but in case individuals persistently experience some common symptoms like severe headaches, blurred vision, chest pain, and breathing difficulties, they must see their doctor. These symptoms can occur due to the sudden surge in the blood flow through the body.
The doctor will check your systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure in both arms. Moreover, They will compare the readings and consider the one which is higher among the two. Based on the result, they will prescribe some medications to manage blood pressure and bring it under control to prevent any risk of heart damage and stroke.