What Is A Good Diet For Gout?

Gout is a condition that happens when there is a high level of uric acid in the blood, which solidifies and accumulates in the joints. Certain foods can be helpful in bringing down the levels of uric acid in the blood, which will prevent its crystallization and aggregation around the joints.

The person diagnosed with this condition must get the treatment, and to support the treatment, one must follow a gout diet. Gout is a chronic health condition that cannot be cured. However, its progression can be slowed down and managed through medications and diet. One must adopt a gout-friendly diet and avoid foods that might exacerbate the condition.

Gout-friendly diet        

Making several shifts and changes in your diet is necessary. It is beneficial for slowing down the progression of the disease. Certain types of foods can reduce the levels of uric acid in the blood. According to the National Institutes of Health, a gout diet must consist of plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes. Basically, one must consume clean and nutritious foods and stop consuming processed and junk foods.

Processed and junk foods contain high amounts of saturated fats, refined oils, refined carbs, etc. Which can deteriorate one’s health. The high amounts of fats and unhealthy components in such foods can give rise to uric acid levels in the blood. Therefore, switching to healthy and nutritious food choices will keep the uric acid levels from rising.

Best foods to include in gout diet

  • Vegetables – You must include more leafy greens such as spinach, collard greens, cabbage, broccoli, and all types of vegetables like potatoes, bell pepper, tomato, squash, radish, carrot, brinjal, etc. They offer essential nutrients to the body and reduce the uric acid levels in the blood.
  • Fruits – You can include any fruit in your diet. All fruits go well with the gout-specific diet. Consume more fresh fruits daily, which will keep the uric acid levels from spiking.As per some research, including more cherries in your daily diet will be extremely beneficial, as cherries have anti-inflammatory properties, which can lower uric acid levels and manage the symptoms well.
  • Dairy products – Consuming low-fat or skimmed milk can bring down the levels of uric acid in the body. It can also be beneficial for alleviating the symptoms of gout.
  • Whole grains – Brown rice, whole wheat, barley, oats, etc. make a great gout-friendly diet.
  • Legumes – Peas, beans, lentils, soybeans, and peanuts are always a great option for people with gout.
  • Beverages – Coffee, tea, or green tea can be beneficial for reducing the uric acid levels in the body. These beverages can help the body to get rid of excess uric acid through excretion and this is how they help maintain the low levels of uric acid in the body.
  • Nuts and seeds – All types of nuts and seeds will be fine.
    In addition to the type of food, it is necessary to keep yourself adequately hydrated. You must consume more water throughout the day, which will slow down the crystallization of uric acid and thus prevent its accumulation around the joints. Hydration will make your kidneys function well and effectively rid the body of excess uric acid.

Types of foods to avoid during gout

People having gout must limit some foods or it is better to stop consuming certain foods, which will alleviate their symptoms and improve their condition. According to the Cleveland Clinic website, some foods that can worsen the symptoms of gout are given below:

  • Sugary and sweetened foods – Foods and drinks that are loaded with high amounts of sugar can trigger the rise of uric acid in the body.The symptoms of gout will worsen as a result.
  • Alcohol – Drinkers are more likely to experience severe symptoms of gout. Alcohol can contribute to the accumulation of uric acid crystals around the joint. Therefore, one must avoid alcohol.
  • Seafood – Some types of sea food like scallops, codfish, tuna, haddock, mussels, herring, trout, etc. can exacerbate the symptoms.
  • Organ meat – These include liver, brains, kidneys, and sweetbreads. This type of meat can spike the levels of uric acids.
  • Red meat – Stop or limit the consumption of lamb, beef, and pork meat.

Lifestyle changes to manage gout

In addition to dieting, exercising and fitness are also important.The condition causes pain, which can be reduced to a great extent through proper diet and exercise. It is necessary to do some physical activity and exercise for at least 30 minutes every day. Exercise not only reduces gout symptoms, but it is also highly beneficial for improving your overall health.

Those having issues with their weight might experience severe symptoms of gout. This hints that they should lose extra weight and work to get in shape. Obesity and overweight increase the pressure on the joints, which is why such individuals must lose some weight to reduce the pressure and pain.

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