What Causes Gout?

Gout is caused because of the accumulation of small urate crystals around the joints. It is a chronic health condition that causes intense pain, swelling, inflammation, redness, and tenderness in the joints. The condition affects the person’s ability to move the joint.

Gout is caused when the levels of uric acid, which is generally a waste product, rise to very high levels within the blood. Uric acid is naturally metabolized in the body, and it is thrown out from the body as it is a waste. It gets created by breaking down purine, which is a natural substance found in the body. Some foods and drinks also contain purine.

The rise in the levels of purine happens as you consume certain foods that are laden with purine. Certain types of foods and drinks have higher concentrations of purine, excessive consumption of such foods can increase the purine intake, which leads to its breakdown, thereby increasing the levels of uric acid in the body.

The body may fail to get rid of uric acid because of its excessive concentration. As a result, the atoms of uric acid bind together and form sharp crystals. These crystals thus formed get accumulated around the joints and form gout.

Symptoms of gout

The person with gout experiences several symptoms, which may be strong indicators that they have developed the condition. The symptoms are as follows:

  • Intense joint pain – The gout most commonly occurs on the big toe, knees, ankles, wrists, elbows, and fingers. The pain might come and go. It might cause intense pain for several hours.
  • Swollen joints – The joint swells up and causes pain.
  • Tender and sensitive joints – Due to swelling, the joint may appear red.
  • Inflammation and discomfort – The swollenarea becomes warm due to inflammation, and it increases discomfort.
  • Difficultymoving – The movements get restricted because of the swelling and pain.

The person might not be able to move too much because of the pain and swelling. The symptoms might be felt intensely during the nighttime. Their movements get restricted as a result. To ease the symptoms, one must get early treatment. Timely treatment will prevent its progression, alleviate the symptoms, and reduce the risk of complications.

Who is more likely to develop gout?

According to the National Institutes of Health, the occurrence of this condition is more common in men than in women. It might develop mostly during the middle age. The symptoms of this condition will be more intense and severe if it happens at a young age. Women do not usually develop health issues before the menopause. Their risk of developing the condition might increase after menopause.

Ways to reduce the risk of gout

  • Limit the consumption of certain foods – Certain foods are rich sources of purine. Excessive consumption of purine-rich foods increases the concentration of uric acid in the blood because purine gets metabolized and converted into uric acid. A rise in the levels of uric acid leads to its crystallization, resulting in gout formation. Therefore, foods that contain high concentrations of purine must be eaten in moderation.
  • Switch to healthy drinks – Many fructose-based drinks contain high amounts of purines. Also, some types of alcoholic beverages have higher levels of purine, which is why one must limit their alcohol intake or switch to some other type that contains low amounts of purine.
  • Lose some weight – Obese and overweight individuals have higher amounts of uric acid in their bodies compared to others. They are highly susceptible to developing gout. This is why it is necessary for such individuals to lose excess weight. This will reduce their risk of developing the condition.
  • Physical activity is necessary – Exercising regularly will be beneficial for overall health. It reduces the frequency of gout flares and inflammation. The symptoms also get alleviated to a great extent with regular exercise.

Is treatment necessary?

Gout is a chronic health condition that requires treatment. If the treatment is not given on time, the condition will exacerbate, and the frequency of gout flares will increase. This increases the risk of gout complications which include joint damage, kidney damage, and bone loss.

The treatment will include two types of medications. The first type of medication will reduce the frequency of gout flares,and the intensity of pain, inflammation, and swelling, while the other type will work on preventing the risk of complications. The medications will eliminate excessuric acid from the body and prevent disease progression.

The lowdown

The rise in the level of uric acid in the body causes the crystallization of its atoms. These crystals have sharp edges and as they flow throughout the bloodstream, they aggregate around the joints. Too much accumulation of these uric acid crystals around the joint causes pain, swelling, redness, and inflammation in the joints. If it is left untreated, the condition worsens and potentiates the risk of complications.

How Long Does Gout Last?

A chronic condition like gout is a type of arthritis that may come and go. Its symptoms might become intense due to flare-ups.According to the Healthline website,for a person getting the treatment, the episodes of gout may last for around 3 days. And in those without any treatment, it can last up to 14 days.

This condition causes severe pain, swelling, inflammation, and redness around the joints. If the person is getting the treatment, they may experience the symptoms for 3 days. It typically affects the joints of the knees, wrists, elbows, big toe, and fingers. If it is left untreated, the condition worsens as the symptoms become severe and the gout flares and attacks become more frequent.

Lack of treatment causes the gout symptoms to persist for a couple of weeks. This potentiates the risk of progression and gout-related complications such as kidney damage, joint damage, and bone loss. Treatment is necessary to prevent the condition from worsening.

Effective ways to overcome gout symptoms

When gout flares occur, you can manage it with medications and some lifestyle changes. The first step to prevent gout flares is to avoid the factors that trigger it. Certain types of foods and drinks are the primary cause of gout. Generally, foods and drinks that are high in purines cause gout flares. The foods one must either avoid or limit the consumption of are listed below:

  • Sugary snacks such as pastries, candies, cakes, drinks, etc.
  • Full-fat dairy products
  • Liver and kidney
  • Red meats
  • White bread
  • Poultry
  • Certain alcoholic beverages
  • Seafood such as crab, lobster, trout, tuna, mackerel, sardines, etc.

In addition, it is equally important to implement several lifestyle changes, which will be beneficial for reducing the risk of gout flares. These changes include:

  • Drinking plenty of water – Hydration is necessary for the kidneys to perform their optimal function. Since gout happens due to the rise in the levels of uric acid in the body, kidneys remove the uric acid and prevent the risk of gout symptoms. Therefore, one must consume plenty of water in a day.
  • Reducing the intake of alcohol – Alcohol can potentiate the risk of developing gout. Certain types such as beer are loaded with high amounts of purine. One must drink such beverages in moderation.
  • Regular exercise – Staying physically active will reduce the risk of gout. It will also reduce the frequency of gout flares.
  • Giving up smoking – Chronic smokers might be susceptible to gout. One must give up smoking habits.
  • Overweight – Those who are overweight and obese have higher levels of uric acid in their body. Such people’s bodies produce higher levels of uric acid, which might lead to gout. This is why, it is necessary for such individuals to lose some extra weight and try to become fit.

How does gout occur?

A person develops this condition because of the rise in the levels of uric acid in their blood. Uric acid is nothing but a waste product that gets eliminated by the body. The kidneys are responsible for getting this substance out of the body. But sometimes, the levels of uric acid rise to excessive amounts, which leads to its crystallization.

As the body fails to get rid of uric acid from the system, the small atoms of uric acid bind together and form tiny clusters of it. The crystals have sharper edges that prick like needles under the skin surface. These crystals then accumulate around the joints to form gout and give rise to intense pain, swelling, inflammation, redness, and tenderness in and around the joints. The condition affects the person’s movements.

The body naturally has some uric acid as a waste product. It is metabolized from a substance known as purine. The purine levels in the body rise when the person consumes too much of purine-rich foods and drinks. The breakdown of purine leads to the production of uric acid as a waste. As the body fails to get rid of uric acid, it crystallizes and these crystals potentiate the risk of gout.

Gout diagnosis and treatment

Gout is a chronic health condition and it must never be left untreated. If the person does not get the treatment in time, the condition will exacerbate, and the frequency of gout flares will increase and their difficulties might increase. Early diagnosis and treatment will reduce the possibilities of gout complications which include joint damage, kidney damage, and bone loss.

The healthcare expert will prescribe treatment that typically includes two types of medications. The first type of drugs will be helpful in decreasing the frequency of gout flares, and the severity of pain, inflammation, and swelling. The other types of drugs will be prescribed to prevent the risk of gout-related complications and help the body get rid of the excess of uric acid from the body, which will prevent disease progression.

How To Treat Gout?

For the treatment of gout, your healthcare provider will order diagnostic tests to do the necessary evaluation of gout symptoms. They will ask several questions regarding the symptoms, including how long you have been experiencing those, how frequently the gout flares occur, family history, lifestyle habits, etc. This will help them with the diagnosis.

Once the test reports of the diagnosis confirm the presence of gout, the healthcare provider will begin the treatment. The test reports will reveal the severity of the condition and the damage it has already caused to the joints.

The diagnostic evaluation suggested will include the following types of tests:

  • Blood sample tests
  • Joint fluid tests
  • X-ray imaging
  • Ultrasound
  • Dual-energy computerized tomography (DECT)

Treatment for gout

According to the Mayo Clinic website, the treatment will be given with medications. The healthcare provider will prescribe two types of medications for managing two separate conditions. The first type of medication will be given to alleviate the pain, swelling, and inflammation in the joints. It will also reduce the recurrence of gout flares and make gout attacks less frequent.

The medications that are used for alleviating gout flares and decreasing the frequency of gout attacks are as follows:

  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) – These drugs can be prescription as well as non-prescription (OTC). They do carry some risks of side effects.
  • Colchicine – These drugs will reduce the intensity of pain and inflammation around the joints. They do come with several common side effects, which include nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.
  • Corticosteroids – These medications will decrease the pain experienced in the joints and reduce inflammation. These drugs come in the form of pills and injections. They can also potentiate the risk of side effects such as blood pressure changes,blood sugar fluctuations, and mood swings.

If the condition has already done significant damage, then the healthcare provider will suggest medications that reduce the risk of gout-related complications and decrease the levels of uric acid in the blood. Such medications will work to reduce the production of uric acid from the purine and in addition, they will also help in eliminating the excess amounts of uric acid from the body. Moreover, these medications can also lead to some side effects like stomachache, rash, kidney stones, etc.

The types and doses of medications prescribed for the condition will depend on the severity and intensity of the symptoms. Also, the general health of the patient will be taken into consideration. When the person is already having some chronic health condition, then the medications assigned will be different.

Effective remedies to manage gout

  • Use ice packs – Applying ice on the affected joint willnumb the area and reduce swelling and inflammation. It can bring great relief from pain.
  • Drink plenty of water – Hydration is crucial for your kidneys to work optimally to remove the waste of toxins from the body. Uric acid is nothing but the waste that remains in the body and leads to gout. So, to increase the efficiency of the kidneys, one must keep themselves adequately hydrated.
  • Healthy diet – One must be very careful aboutone’s diet. Consuming foods that have high amounts of purine might potentiate their risk of gout flares, therefore, it is necessary to plan the diet accordingly.
  • Limit alcohol consumption – Alcohol may potentiate the person’s risk of gout. Therefore, it is necessary to drink it in moderation or it is even better if one gives up their drinking habit altogether or drink occasionally.
  • Manage stress – Psychological factors like stress and anxiety can worsen the symptoms of gout flares and increase the frequency of gout attacks. So, it is important to manage stress. To overcome stress, you can try many techniques such as meditation, yoga, exercise, leisure activities, etc. This will reduce the risk of gout flares.
  • Get enough rest – A good night’s sleep is a restorative activity. Going to bed on time and getting up at the same time regularly will be beneficial for your overall health.

What is the root cause of gout?

The person develops the symptoms of gout when the concentration of uric acid in the body rises to very high levels. Uric acid is metabolized from purine, which is a substance that is naturally present in the body. The body produces uric acid by processing purine. As the levels of purine rise in the body, the levels of uric acid also increase corresponding to that.

The purine levels in the body rise due to the excessive intake of foods and drinks that are rich sources of purine. After the breakdown of purine happens, the uric acid levels spike and its atoms bind together to form sharp, needle-shaped structures as they crystallize. These tiny crystals flow into the bloodstream and get lodged around the joints.

Their accumulation of these sharp, needle-like tiny crystals around the joints causes pain and inflammation in the joints. The inflammation leads to swelling and redness in the joints. The area turns warm and appears red. These are the indications that the person may have gout.

How Do You Get Gout?

Gout is a chronic health condition,which affects the joints. The person with gout experiences intense pain, swelling, inflammation, and redness in their joint. The affected area becomes tender and highly sensitive. The person’s ability to move the joint where the gout has occurred will be affected.

This happens when the levels of uric acid in the body rise to very high levels. Uric acid is naturally present in the body. Your body produces it by breaking down purine, which is a substance that is also naturally present in the body in some amounts. When purine levels rise, corresponding to it, the levels of uric acid also spike.

The increase in purine levels happens as you consume certain foods that are rich sources of purine. Naturally, purine exists in the body, but purine-rich foods cause the overload of it. This makes the body metabolize it, which leads to a rise in the concentration of uric acid in the blood.

The excess of uric acid then forms into small crystals. This happens as the atoms bind together and form a cluster and it further takes the form of sharp crystals that usually aggregate around the joints. The person develops gout, as the crystallized particles of uric acid accumulate around the joints.

How does gout affect a person?

The person experiences several symptoms of it. The symptoms may be mild in the beginning, but if the person fails to get the treatment and leaves the condition untreated, then the symptoms worsen. Some obvious symptoms of gout are as follows:

  • Intense pain in the joint.
  • Swelling and redness.
  • Inflammation and discomfort.
  • Inability to move.

The pain occurs in the knees, ankles, elbows, fingers, and wrists. Most commonly, the big toes get affected by the condition. It becomes swollen and turns red and tender. It causes difficulties while walking. The swelling happens mostly during the night while the person is asleep. It causes a burning sensation, and the toe feels warm as a result.

This restricts the movement of the body part where the crystals are accumulated. The symptoms might come and go. They may become severe and troublesome. It can happen suddenly, but it has been observed that gout flares usually occur during the nighttime.

If the condition is not treated, then the gout flares may happen frequently. The symptoms will exacerbate too quickly, and its progression might happen rapidly. It can increase the risk of complications.

Diagnosis for gout

For the diagnostic evaluation and confirmation, the healthcare provider will order several tests, which will allow them to identify the root cause of the joint pain and rule out the appropriate treatment:

  • Blood sample tests – Blood samples will be collected and sent to the lab to check the levels of uric acid in them. Sometimes normal people may have high amounts of uric acid but that does not mean that they have gout. But those affected by this condition will definitely have a high concentration of uric acid in their blood.
  • Joint fluid tests – The healthcare professional will collect a fluid sample from the joint. They will insert a needle inside the joint and take some fluid out. The sample thus collected will be then checked under the microscope to detect the presence of uric acid crystals.
  • X-ray imaging – This test will be helpful in identifying the root cause of joint inflammation.
  • Ultrasound – This test is done using a sound wave technique that detects the presence of crystals around the joints.
  • Dual-energy computerized tomography (DECT) – This test scans the images of the affected joint from various angles and generates clear pictures.

Treatment for gout

Diagnostic tests will reveal the cause of joint pain and inflammation. If it is confirmed that the person is diagnosed with gout, the healthcare provider will prescribe a combination of medications, which will alleviate the pain and inflammation, prevent the progression of the condition, and reduce the risk of health complications due to it.

The type of medications prescribed will depend on the severity and how often the gout attacks happen. According to the Mayo Clinic website, the healthcare provider will prescribe three types of medications to reduce the frequency of gout flares and gout attacks. These medications are given below:

  1. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) – These include prescription and non-prescription (over-the-counter) medications. They might cause some side effects. One must get to know about the side effects of these medications by asking their healthcare provider.
  2. Colchicine – These medications are helpful for alleviating pain and inflammation. They might as well give rise to several side effects that can be of the mild category. One might experience nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea.
  3. Corticosteroids – These medications are available in the form of pills and injections. They reduce the pain and inflammation in the joint. The effects of this medicine might cause fluctuations in blood pressure and blood sugar levels.

What Is A Good Diet For Gout?

Gout is a condition that happens when there is a high level of uric acid in the blood, which solidifies and accumulates in the joints. Certain foods can be helpful in bringing down the levels of uric acid in the blood, which will prevent its crystallization and aggregation around the joints.

The person diagnosed with this condition must get the treatment, and to support the treatment, one must follow a gout diet. Gout is a chronic health condition that cannot be cured. However, its progression can be slowed down and managed through medications and diet. One must adopt a gout-friendly diet and avoid foods that might exacerbate the condition.

Gout-friendly diet        

Making several shifts and changes in your diet is necessary. It is beneficial for slowing down the progression of the disease. Certain types of foods can reduce the levels of uric acid in the blood. According to the National Institutes of Health, a gout diet must consist of plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes. Basically, one must consume clean and nutritious foods and stop consuming processed and junk foods.

Processed and junk foods contain high amounts of saturated fats, refined oils, refined carbs, etc. Which can deteriorate one’s health. The high amounts of fats and unhealthy components in such foods can give rise to uric acid levels in the blood. Therefore, switching to healthy and nutritious food choices will keep the uric acid levels from rising.

Best foods to include in gout diet

  • Vegetables – You must include more leafy greens such as spinach, collard greens, cabbage, broccoli, and all types of vegetables like potatoes, bell pepper, tomato, squash, radish, carrot, brinjal, etc. They offer essential nutrients to the body and reduce the uric acid levels in the blood.
  • Fruits – You can include any fruit in your diet. All fruits go well with the gout-specific diet. Consume more fresh fruits daily, which will keep the uric acid levels from spiking.As per some research, including more cherries in your daily diet will be extremely beneficial, as cherries have anti-inflammatory properties, which can lower uric acid levels and manage the symptoms well.
  • Dairy products – Consuming low-fat or skimmed milk can bring down the levels of uric acid in the body. It can also be beneficial for alleviating the symptoms of gout.
  • Whole grains – Brown rice, whole wheat, barley, oats, etc. make a great gout-friendly diet.
  • Legumes – Peas, beans, lentils, soybeans, and peanuts are always a great option for people with gout.
  • Beverages – Coffee, tea, or green tea can be beneficial for reducing the uric acid levels in the body. These beverages can help the body to get rid of excess uric acid through excretion and this is how they help maintain the low levels of uric acid in the body.
  • Nuts and seeds – All types of nuts and seeds will be fine.
    In addition to the type of food, it is necessary to keep yourself adequately hydrated. You must consume more water throughout the day, which will slow down the crystallization of uric acid and thus prevent its accumulation around the joints. Hydration will make your kidneys function well and effectively rid the body of excess uric acid.

Types of foods to avoid during gout

People having gout must limit some foods or it is better to stop consuming certain foods, which will alleviate their symptoms and improve their condition. According to the Cleveland Clinic website, some foods that can worsen the symptoms of gout are given below:

  • Sugary and sweetened foods – Foods and drinks that are loaded with high amounts of sugar can trigger the rise of uric acid in the body.The symptoms of gout will worsen as a result.
  • Alcohol – Drinkers are more likely to experience severe symptoms of gout. Alcohol can contribute to the accumulation of uric acid crystals around the joint. Therefore, one must avoid alcohol.
  • Seafood – Some types of sea food like scallops, codfish, tuna, haddock, mussels, herring, trout, etc. can exacerbate the symptoms.
  • Organ meat – These include liver, brains, kidneys, and sweetbreads. This type of meat can spike the levels of uric acids.
  • Red meat – Stop or limit the consumption of lamb, beef, and pork meat.

Lifestyle changes to manage gout

In addition to dieting, exercising and fitness are also important.The condition causes pain, which can be reduced to a great extent through proper diet and exercise. It is necessary to do some physical activity and exercise for at least 30 minutes every day. Exercise not only reduces gout symptoms, but it is also highly beneficial for improving your overall health.

Those having issues with their weight might experience severe symptoms of gout. This hints that they should lose extra weight and work to get in shape. Obesity and overweight increase the pressure on the joints, which is why such individuals must lose some weight to reduce the pressure and pain.

What Foods Cause Gout?

Certain foods can alleviate the symptoms of gout, while some can make them worse. You must choose your food wisely and plan your diet accordingly. Diet is the most powerful tool by which you can manage the condition well and reduce the risk of complications.

A substance known as purine is broken down by the body to make uric acid. When uric acid is present in excess amounts in the blood, it solidifies or crystallizes and accumulates around the joints. Certain foods are rich sources of purine and people with gout must avoid consuming such foods.

Instead, one must include specific foods in their diet that contain low amounts of purine. In that way, the rise in the level of uric acid will not happen and the body will be able to get rid of the excess uric acid through excretion.

Foods that increase the risk of gout

Purine-rich foods can speed up the accumulation of uric acid crystals around the joints and give rise to symptoms such as joint pain, inflammation, lack of movement, and discomfort. To alleviate the symptoms or prevent the formation of gout, one must either limit or avoid the consumption of foods that contain high amounts of purine. According to the Cleveland Clinic website, these foods are:

  • Sweetened and sugary foods – Foods and beverages such as cakes, pastries, candies, cold drinks, doughnuts, packaged drinks, energy drinks, etc. are usually laden with excessive amounts of sugar.Consuming such foods can spike the levels of uric acid in the blood. With the rise in uric acid, the accumulation of uric acid crystals speeds up and the symptoms may worsen.
  • Alcohol – Excessive intake of alcohol can potentiate the risk of gout. Some types of alcohol such as beer or distilled liquor contain higher levels of purine, which gets broken down within the body to be stored as uric acid. A rise in the levels of uric acid can further cause its crystallization and aggregation at the joints, leading to gout. Different kinds of alcoholic beverages contain different concentrations of purine. One can switch to alcohol that has less amount of purine.
  • Fish – Some types of seafood like crabs, lobsters, scallops, codfish, tuna, haddock, mussels, herring, trout, mackerel, etc. contain very high amounts of purines. Even though they are consumed in small amounts, there is still a risk of gout. One must try to eat them in moderation. Those with a severe form of gout must avoid consuming seafood altogether.
  • Organ meat –Liver, brains, kidneys, and sweetbreads are loaded with high levels of purines. Its excessive consumption can give rise to a gout attack. Therefore, one must either limit its consumption or stop its consumption.
  • Red meat – Lamb, beef, and porktend to be associated with gout glares. Eating them only occasionally, that too in moderation is okay, otherwise if you consume red meat often, it can spur gout flares. So, to be on the safer side, try to limit its consumption.
  • Turkey – One must eat turkey in moderation. Controlling the portion will not trigger a flare-up of gout. Although turkey is considered to be somewhat safe, that does not mean that they can have a big turkey anytime they wish. One must never consume it frequently and have it only occasionally, but in moderation.

Best foods for gout

Now that you have seen the types of foods that you need to avoid as they can trigger uric acid in the blood and spur gout flares, you must know what kind of foods are actually gout-friendly. The way certain foods potentiate the risk of gout and its complications, several foods can alleviate the symptoms or eliminate the risk of gout altogether.

One must follow a diet that is gout-friendly. For that, it is necessary to include foods that reduce the levels of uric acid in the blood and are helpful to eliminate it through excretion. Foods that have low levels of purine must be included in this diet. These foods are:

  • Low-fat or skimmed milk – It can bring down the levels of uric acid in the body and also prevent the risk of gout or its complications. You can also have low-fat yogurt, which can be equally beneficial.
  • Fresh vegetables and fruits – Including more vegetables and fruits in your diet will prevent the risk of gout and those already having gout will experience a decrease in symptoms and recurring gout flares. All types and kinds of vegetables and fruits are great for this diet.

Even if some vegetables such as spinach and asparagus are high in purine, studies suggest that they might not cause a spike in uric acid. Lastly, make sure you include cherries too, as cherries are power-packed with anti-inflammatory properties, which can alleviate pain and inflammation to a great extent.

  • Nuts – All types of nuts and seeds are great for a gout diet.




What Is Gout?

Gout is a chronic health condition, which is quite common. It is a complex form of arthritis that is characterized by sudden pain, swelling, redness, and feeling of tenderness in the joints. It might occur suddenly and might come and go. It is an incurable condition, but it can be managed very well, and its symptoms can be alleviated with treatment and lifestyle changes.

What causes gout?

Your body produces uric acid from purines, which are substances that are naturally present within the body.Certain foods contain purines, which increases the levels of purines in the body. This purine gets broken down and converted into uric acid. The rise in levels of uric acid in the blood leads to it scrystallization and accumulation around the joints.

Your kidneys can eliminate excess uric acid from the body. It filters out the waste and leads to its excretion. However, sometimes the sudden spike in the levels of uric acid in an excessive amount can cause its solidification into sharp crystals, these crystals further get lodged and aggregated around the joints and cause pain, swelling, and inflammation.

Symptoms of gout

According to the Mayo Clinic website, the symptoms of gout might arise most probably during the nighttime. The symptoms of gout are as follows:

  • Joint pain – The accumulation of sharp crystals formed from uric acid solidification causes pain, swelling, and inflammation in the joints. It usually affects the big toe, and as a result, the toe swells up and becomes highly sensitive and tender. The pain can rise suddenly and be alleviated after some time. The condition mostly affects the knees, elbows, ankles, fingers, and wrists.
  • Inflammation – The joints become inflamed, red, and tender. It can also cause burning pain in the affected area.
  • Discomfort – When the pain subsides, the effects of it persist in the form of discomfort. Even if the pain and swelling have gone or reduced, the person continues to experience discomfort for a few days after severe pain.
  • Lack of movement – The pain in the joints makes it difficult for the person to walk.

Factors that potentiate the risk of gout

  1. Diet – Certain types of foods can increase the risk of gout, as they are laden with high levels of purines, which get converted into uric acid within the body and develop into crystals that accumulate around the joints. It is necessary to either avoid or limit the consumption of foods that are loaded with purines. One must increase their intake of foods that contain low amounts of purines, for example, fruits, vegetables, nuts, low-fat dairy products, grains, legumes, and coffee.
  2. Genetics – A condition like gout can run in the family. If any close member of your family has gout, then you are more likely to develop the condition. This happens due to the passing of the same genes from parents to offspring.
  3. Overweight – The body of overweight individuals produces more uric acid than any average individual. Their kidneys fail to eliminate excess uric acid from the body, which is why the levels of uric acid rise in the body and cause gout flares. Such individuals experience severe symptoms of gout, as the pressure exerted on their joints is high because of excess weight.
  4. Chronic health conditions – Certain types of chronic medical conditions can exacerbate the symptoms of gout. This happens mostly in the case of people who do not get treatment for their chronic health conditions, which can affect the function of their vital organs such as the heart, kidneys, etc. If the kidney function gets affected, the removal of waste will not happen effectively.
  5. Medications – Some types of medications used for controlling blood pressure can spike the uric acid levels in the body. This can spur gout glares. So, if you are taking medications for hypertension, you must talk to your doctor and discuss your concerns regarding medicine-induced gout.
  6. Surgery or trauma – Those who had a recent surgery are highly susceptible to gout attack.

The right time to see the doctor

You must see your doctor immediately if you have experience dintense pain in your joints out of the blue. If the condition is ignored and left untreated, it might progress and cause major damage to the joints. You should see your doctor if you have developed pain, swelling, tenderness, and inflammation around your joints. Early diagnosis and treatment will prevent its progression and joint damage.

Diagnostic evaluation of gout

For confirmation, the doctor will order several tests, which are given below:

  • Blood sample tests – This is done to check the uric acid levels in the blood.
  • Joint fluid tests – The fluid accumulated in the joints will be taken out and checked under the microscope to detect the uric acid crystals.
  • X-ray imaging – This will reveal the root cause of joint inflammation.
  • Ultrasound – This uses a sound wave technique to detect the presence of crystals in the joints.
  • Dual-energy computerized tomography (DECT) – This test generates images of the affected joint from different angles.

Based on the diagnostic tests, your doctor will prescribe a combination of medications to reduce the pain, inflammation, and swelling, and prevent the progression of the condition.


What Is The Main Cause Of Gout?

The main reason for the development of a chronic condition like gout is the accumulation of urate crystals around the joints, most commonly in the knees, wrists, fingers, and ankles. The urate crystals are formed out of uric acid, which is a waste product that is supposed to be eliminated from the body. However,excessive amounts of it cause its crystallization.

As the body processes a chemical substance known as purine, its complete metabolization causes an increase in the levels of uric acid in the body. Uric acid is the by-product of the process, which is a waste that needs to be thrown out from the body. But sometimes, there are high amounts of uric acid in the body, and the body fails to get rid of it.

This causes an increase in the levels of uric acid in the blood. The uric acid flows in the bloodstream and the atoms bind together to form crystals. The crystallization produces tiny clusters of uric acid, which have sharp edges and pricks like needles in the joints. This pricking gives rise to symptoms such as:

  • Intense joint pain – The pain and swelling most commonly occurs on the big toe, knees, ankles, wrists, elbows, and fingers. The pain might become intense and they may keep coming and disappearing. It might continue to cause intense pain for several days.
  • Swollen joints – As the crystals get aggregated around the joint, theyswell up and cause pain.
  • Tenderness and high sensitivity in the joints – Swelling and inflammation make the joint turn tender and highly sensitive.
  • Inflammation and discomfort – Swelling makes the area turn warm and reddish due to inflammation. The swelling causes discomfort.
  • Lack of movement – The person will not be able to move properly. The swelling and pain in the joints, especially when the gout is in the knees and ankles will restrict their movements.

Some factors can be responsible for intensifying the pain and gout flares, which can cause frequent gout attacks. Gout is a chronic condition, that cannot be cured, but it can be managed to a great extent. Its progression can be prevented and the risk of gout-related complications can also be reduced with timely treatment.

Risk factor of gout

As per the National Institutes of Health, men are more likely to experience this condition compared to women. There likelihood of developing such as condition is in the middle age. The symptoms of gout can be severe if it happens at a young age. Although women might seldom experience such a condition, their likelihood of developing gout is after menopause. Most health conditions in women happen after menopause, and gout can be one of them.

Fortunately, its risk can be reduced with several lifestyle changes. Positive lifestyle habits will be beneficial for overall health and not just gout. It can prevent the occurrence of a chronic condition like gout and eliminate the chances of its progression. Most importantly, the best way to control uric acid levels is to limit the consumption of certain types of foods that have high concentrations of purine within them.

Foods one must avoid to prevent gout flares

  • Sweetened drinks and sugary foods – Foods items that are loaded with high quantities of sugars must be avoided or eaten in moderation.Excessive intake of such foods can cause a spike in the levels of purines in the blood. The purine gets metabolized to uric acid, which is a root cause of gout.
  • Alcohol – Too much of alcohol is linked with higher quantities of purines. Certain types of alcohol such as beer or distilled liquor have higher concentrations of purine, which is broken down by the body to produce uric acid. A spike in the levels of uric acid can further lead to its crystallization and accumulation around the joints, causing pain and swelling. Therefore, one must limit alcohol consumption.
  • Seafood – Certain types of seafood such asscallops, tuna, crabs, lobsters, codfish, haddock, mussels, herring, trout, mackerel, etc. are laden with very high amounts of purines. One must consume seafood in moderation because even a small portion of it can spike uric acid levels in the blood.
  • Organ meat –Meats like kidneys, liver, brains, and sweet breads come with high amounts of purines. It can potentiate the risk of gout flares. So, one must either eat it in moderation or avoid consuming it.
  • Turkey – Turkey can trigger gout flares. One can practice portion control, which will reduce the risk of gout flare-ups. It can be consumed occasionally, that too in moderation.
  • Red meat – Lamb, beef, and porkcan be linked with gout glares. It is not safe to consume on a regular basis. Too much of it spikes the uric acid and enhances the risk of gout attack.

So, make sure you do not consume more than safer amounts and eat it only on occasions.

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