How To Treat OCD On Your Own

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is an anxiety disorder, which makes a person get trapped in repetitive behaviors due to uncontrollable obsessions. They may become obsessed over some thoughts that reinforce them to repeat some compulsive behaviors. Moreover, These obsessions can be in the form of thoughts, images, or urges that compel them to take some action. If they resist repeating behaviors, it can cause great anxiety.    

A lifetime condition like OCD is manageable. It can be treated with the help of medications and through therapy sessions. OCD cannot be cured, but one can manage their obsessions with the help following techniques:  



The reason for obsessions will not make any sense to the individual who has this disorder. They might try to resist their thoughts and obsessions but may fail once the anxiety takes over. This can cause frustration among such individuals, which makes it hard for them to accept their chronic condition and feel it is unfair.  
Self-acceptance is a gradual process, wherein the individual distinguishes themselves from the rest and as they become aware of their problem, they try to understand the nature of their illness and the triggers that drive them towards compulsive behaviors. Moreover, This will be helpful in accepting obsessions and feelings without resisting them, trying to change them, and reacting to them.

Understand that you are not your thoughts

You may begin to identify yourself with your stubborn and repetitive thoughts. The obsessions and intrusive thoughts your mind creates do not necessarily define you. You might try to rationalize your thoughts and obsessions, but the mind will keep repeating them again and again.  
Rather than identifying yourself with such intrusive thoughts, learn to separate yourself from them. Become self-aware. Understand that these thoughts have nothing to do with your core values, personality, and esteem.

Stop trying to be perfect

People with OCD have to deal with perfectionism, which is an overwhelming fear of committing some mistake. Such people may constantly worry about unknowingly causing harm to themselves and others. This is why they may develop an intense urge to be perfect all the time. Everything they do, they want to do it with perfection. Any mistake peaks up their worry and triggers their fear.    
To cope with this trait, one needs to practice letting go and accepting imperfections. Facing the imperfections directly will help them to understand that being imperfect is okay. This practice will prevent them from setting ridiculously high standards of perfection and absurd expectations.

Let go of guilt and shame

The occurrence of persistent intrusive thoughts can drive a person towards self-loathing and hatred. They may experience guilt, shame, and fear of being different from others. Moreover, The inability to do something about their condition makes them feel all kinds of negative emotions, which attacks their self-esteem. It is necessary to overcome their shame, guilt, and fears in order to effectively cope with the intrusive thoughts.  
Again, self-again is the key here. Thinking rationally will be helpful in making conclusions. Rather than thinking negatively about their condition, one must logically make efforts to understand their triggers and work on overcoming them. Distinguishing between who you are, and your thoughts is necessary to get rid of detrimental emotions. You are not your intrusive thoughts, so, becoming self-aware will help in eliminating negative emotions.

Escape the loop of self-reassurance

Moreover, People with OCD may constantly seek assurance from people around them to ensure everything is going well. They tend to seek assurance in excess. They may do so as a result of their compulsions. One can manage these compulsive behaviors by becoming aware of what situations they develop the intense urge to ask for assurance. Identifying the triggers will help them escape the cycle of re-assurance.

Practice mindfulness

Moreover, Mindfulness will be beneficial to eliminate mental clutter and be in the present moment. The mind engages you in a loop of repetitive intrusive thoughts that compel you to repeat certain behaviors, which causes complete exhaustion. But if you practice mindfulness, you will remain more aware and in the “now”. This will heighten your awareness and you will be able to notice the things that trigger intrusive thoughts. By being fully aware, you can eliminate intrusive thought patterns and prevent repetitive behaviors.  
Try doing some deep breathing and meditative exercises. Such exercises make you bring your attention to your body and its sensations. Meditation has an incredibly calming effect on your mind and body, as it anchors your attention to the present moment and helps you to get rid of worries, fears, and feelings of insecurity.

Join a community group

Connecting with people who are experiencing the same difficulties as you will help you to understand your triggers and compulsions better. Moreover, You will not feel that you are alone. Surrounding yourself with support groups will help you with self-acceptance and make it easier to deal with your difficulties in an efficient manner. 

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