Liver disease is a manageable condition, but it cannot be cured. The susceptibility of some individuals to develop liver-related disorders is more compared to others. Such individuals must implement some positive lifestyle changes before hand, which will help them reduce the chances of life-threatening complications like liver cirrhosis or liver cancer.
Factors that can potentiate the risk of liver disease are given below:
Viral infections
Certain types of viruses or parasites can cause infections like Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, and Hepatitis C, which can damage liver function, leading to liver disease. The infection can cause inflammation in the liver and impair its function. The liver is responsible for eliminating the toxins from the body and keeping your body clean and free of toxic substances, but the infectious virus attacks its tissues, leading to its damage. As a result, the toxins fail to get drained out of the body, which can give rise to health complications.
Prevention: The risk of liver disease due to viral infections can be reduced by getting vaccinations. Vaccines immunize the body, which improves the individual’s ability to fight the infection effectively.
Genetics and inheritance
Liver-related problems can run in the family, as the parents pass the distorted genes to their offspring. These genes impact the liver function and affect its ability to get the toxins eliminated from the body. This causes the accumulation of toxins in the body, which affects the other organs. Genetic mutations lead to liver damage.
Obesity and overweight
Obese individuals have eating disorders. They find it difficult to lose weight because of their uncontrollable food cravings.They tend to consume fatty, oily, junk, and processed foods, which leads to rapid weight gain. This causes the accumulation of excess fats in their liver, leading to a condition known as fatty liver or Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). This can cause serious liver damage, and its progression can lead to liver cirrhosis or liver cancer.
Prevention: It is necessary for obese individuals to adopt a healthy lifestyle. Diet and exercise are vital.They must avoid having fatty foods and increase their intake of vegetables and fruits.
Excessive intake of alcohol
Chronic drinkers are more prone to the risk of rapid liver damage. Persistent drinking of alcohol leads to the deposition of fats in the liver cells. The fats thus accumulated inflatethe liver and cause its enlargement. This condition is termed Alcoholic fatty liver disease, which leads to liver failure. Long-term alcohol intake can cause the development of conditions like alcoholic hepatitis and alcoholic cirrhosis.
Prevention: Alcohol addicts must give up their drinking habits. It might be difficult to stop drinking altogether, so you can limit your consumption and drink it in moderation.
Certain medications (prescription/non-prescription) can cause gradual damage to the liver. This can be a side effect of these medications, which can slowly affect the liver over time and impair its function.
Prevention: You should stop the overuse of OTC medications. Its long-term use can contribute to liver damage. Some prescription medications taken for treating chronic conditions can also lead to liver damage, therefore, you must talk to your doctor and become aware of possible side effects of taking the medications.
Sometimes the formation of tumors inside the liver can lead to liver cancer. The tumor is formed because of the rapid multiplication of the cells of the liver. The cells might grow and develop abnormally, which leads to tumorous growth. The tumor can be benign or malignant. If it is benign, then there is no need to worry, but if it is malign, then it can be cancerous, which spreads in the liver and might also affect other organs.
This is a life-long condition, which can be managed with the help of medications and positive lifestyle changes. If it is left untreated, the condition worsens due to its progression. Early treatment is necessary as it heals the damage and restores the healthy function of the liver. If there is a delay in the treatment and the damage has reached an advanced stage, then the healthcare provider will prescribe you to undergo a liver transplantation procedure.
The degree of damage can be found through diagnostic tests. These tests will also reveal the reason behind the liver damage. Diagnostic tests include blood sample tests, screening tests, and liver biopsy.