How To Treat Endometriosis?

A chronic condition like endometriosis can be managed with treatment, which most commonly involves a combination of medications and sometimes surgery. The medications will be beneficial for alleviating the pain and discomfort felt due to the endometrial implants. The medications will be helpful in balancing the hormone levels and slowing down the growth of the endometrial tissue, thereby reducing the pain and inflammation.

The healthcare providers will suggest an appropriate treatment based on the severity of the symptoms.Also, individuals who hope to become pregnant will be given a specific treatment, different from those who do not wish to get pregnant. If the condition has already caused substantial damage, then the healthcare provider will suggest the patient get the implants surgically removed.

In general, the different types of treatment techniques suggested by healthcare providers for managing endometriosis include:

Anti-inflammatory medications – These medications are the first line of treatment that alleviates the pain felt during endometriosis. These medications are available on prescription and without prescription (over-the-counter). The healthcare provider will suggest any type of medication depending on the need.

These medications will be suggested in addition to some other treatments to manage the condition more efficiently. Such medications will reduce the pain felt during menstruation, bowel movements, urination, and sexual intercourse, due to the growth of the endometrial tissues.

Hormone therapy – During menstruation, the hormone levels in the body go out of balance, which can make the endometrial pain more severe. To reduce this pain, the healthcare provider will suggest hormone therapy, which will be helpful in managing the hormonal fluctuations in the body. The pain and discomfort will be reduced, as the therapy prevents the implantation of new endometrial tissues and slows down the tissue damage.

Hormonal therapy for endometriosis will be given through different types of treatments, which are as follows:

Hormonal contraceptives – This therapy is given with the help of oral contraceptive pills, patches, and vaginal rings. It manages the levels of estrogen and progestin hormones in the body to reduce the pain. It thins the uterine lining, which eases the endometrial pain.

In addition to this, the healthcare provider will sometimes suggest another type of medication, known as Aromatase inhibitors, to be taken in combination with hormonal contraceptives, to stop the menstrual period in a more effective manner. Aromatase inhibitors reduce the levels of hormones that cause menstruation. It prevents the progression of endometriosis.

Progestin therapy – With this therapy, the pain due to endometriosis can be managed in an effective manner. The therapy helps in making the linings of the uterine walls thin, which stops the menstrual cycle temporarily. Lack of menstrual bleeding eases the endometriosis pain. It prevents the growth of new endometrial tissues and prevents the progression of the condition.

Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (Gn-RH) agonists and antagonists – The agonist and antagonist drugs are highly beneficial for putting a temporary haltto the menstruation cycle, by preventing the release of egg (ovum) from the ovaries. These drugs decrease the levels of hormones that are responsible for starting the menstrual cycle.

The effects of these drugs last until they are being taken. Once the person stops taking agonist and antagonist drugs, their menstrual periods begin again. Meanwhile, when the person is using these drugs, they will prevent menstruation, which will reduce the pain and the growth of endometrial implants. 

Conservative surgery– This is a surgical procedure that is performed for the removal of endometrial tissues and implants. The primary focus of this type of procedure is to keep the uterus and ovaries intact and protect the reproductive organs for healthy childbirth. It is best suited for those who hope to get pregnant.

The surgery is performed with the help of an instrument, known as a laparoscope. It is an invasive technique. The surgeon will conduct it by making a small incision below the belly button. They will insert an instrument or laparoscope inside in order to remove the endometrial tissue. This surgery is carried out with anesthesia and the doctor will prescribe medications to numb the pain after it is completed.

Hysterectomy – This is also a type of invasive surgical procedure. The difference is that the uterus or womb will be removed surgically, which will put a permanent halt on the ability to give birth. It leads to infertility. This type of procedure is best for those who do not want towish to become pregnant or those who have already reached menopause. With this surgery, the progression of endometriosis can be stopped.

Fertility treatment – Endometriosis treatment can affect the fertility of the individual. To increase the chances of fertility and the ability to conceive, this type of treatment is suggested by the healthcare provider. This treatment is given with medications. The eggs will be extracted and can be frozen for the future. The eggs can be fertilized outside the body in a process known as In vitro fertilization (IVF). The fertilized egg will be implanted into to uterus safely.





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