A chronic condition like myasthenia gravis (MG) cannot be cured as it is a life-long medical condition, but it can be managed very well. It is an autoimmune disorder that impairs the function of voluntary muscles. Its early detection reduces the risk of complications. Reversal of this condition can be done by implementing some positive lifestyle changes and getting timely treatment.
This disorder affects the muscles, which gives rise to difficulties with breathing and swallowing. If the condition becomes severe, the person may develop serious issues with breathing and swallowing, and hence they will require some external support for both these functions.
In combination with the treatment, it is necessary to cultivate some habits, which will prevent the worsening of the disease by slowing down its progression. According to the Mayo Clinic website and some other sources, several habits that can help manage the condition are as follows:
Make changes in your mealtime routine.
Due to the weakness in the muscles, your ability to chew and swallow food might be majorly affected. These difficulties can be managed by making some changes and some adjustments to your eating routine. If you feel your muscles are weak then switch your mealtime to the time when your muscles are strong, and you can chew the food.
You can eat small portions of meals several times a day, rather than taking a big meal. This will make it easier for muscles. The muscles will not get overworked and remain strong. Also, make sure you eat something soft and easy to chew, in this way, there will be less strain on your muscles.
Take rest breaks several times a day.
Resting is essential for myasthenia gravis patients. It is a kind of restorative activity for your muscles, as it allows the muscles to become relaxed and recharge. After a period of resting, the muscles might be able to perform better. The most important thing is nighttime sleep. You need to prioritize your sleep.
Besides, take some naps by planning and scheduling snooze sessions in the daytime.Identify the time of the day when your muscles are most active and schedule your tasks according to that. Practice stillness and mindfulness and sit in silence for a while.
Make use of tools to ease your work.
You can preserve your energy with the help of tools and electrical appliances. For example, to increase your comfort you can use a dishwasher machine instead of doing the utensils with your hands, get an electric toothbrush, use a vacuum cleaner, take support of a walker or wheelchair, and so on. These automatic appliances will help you to increase your comfort.
Let your eyes relax.
Long screen time can lead to the weakening of your eye muscles. Those who work for long hours on screen might experience strain in the eye muscles. It is necessary to reduce screen time and give your eyes some rest. In case you have double vision, which is a symptom of MG, you must use an eye patch to cover one eye. It will reduce eyestrain.
Seek help and support.
Your disability might not be understandable by everyone unless you let them become aware of your difficulties. Most people may have no idea what MG is. You have to talk to them and tell them about the condition and how some tasks and activities are physically draining for you. In this way, you can make adjustments and someone else can replace you.
What are the symptoms of Myasthenia Gravis?
The symptoms of this disorder can be managed with the help of medications or other treatments and lifestyle changes. The condition affects the function of voluntary muscles of the body. The muscles that get impaired are eye muscles, muscles of the throat or mouth, and limbs. The worsening of this condition can give rise to serious difficulties with breathing, chewing, and swallowing.
When the muscle is used excessively, it can become very weak. Since MG is a chronic condition, it gets worse with time. These difficulties might suddenly become worse and sometimes they might be alleviated on their own. The way to prevent these difficulties is through resting. The muscles can get reenergized by resting. Some common symptoms of this condition are listed below:
- Heaviness in the eyelids or droopy eyes.
- Blurred vision.
- Double vision, called diplopia.
- Difficulty with chewing, swallowing, and breathing.
- Speech impairment.
- Weakness in neck or limbs.
- Shortness of breath.
- Changes in facial expressions, for example, a smile can look like a snarl.
Diagnostic tests and treatment
Treatment and lifestyle factors both are necessary to manage the condition and reverse its progression. Your healthcare provider will perform diagnostic tests, wherein they will analyze your neurological health, order blood sample reports, and conduct several other screening tests for confirmation. They will suggest some appropriate treatment, which can bed one with the use of medications, but in some cases, the person might need therapies and even surgeries.