Treating diabetes-like conditions with medicines is just not needed unless the condition is too complicated. There are some other natural ways for effective diabetes management. Although this might involve lifestyle alterations, these ways shall not only help you with better diabetes care but overall health, too.
Exercise Regularly
As it is mentioned above, exercise-like activity is an important aspect of diabetes management. It enhances insulin sensitivity, and weight loss, and lowers blood sugar levels. While exercising requires energy, the body is well forced for further burn the extra sugar present in the body. However, it is important for including all forms of exercise which include strength training, aerobic exercises, and cardio exercises.
Adapt Portion Control In The Diabetes Diet
The key to diabetes management-like condition is nothing else but ‘moderation’. Adapt portion control as it might not help in weight loss might also prevent you from overeating. For further adapting portion control-
- Opt for some smaller plates,
- Read the nutrition label of any food item which might be purchased well
- Avoid restaurants that might offer a buffet
Opt For Foods With A Low Glycemic Index
The glycaemic index is well measured for developing to simply assess how quickly the food is well converted into glucose. The lower the glycaemic index, the longer it might take to convert well into sugar. Eating foods that might all be well low in GI is ideal for a condition like diabetes. These might include meat, beans, barley, sweet potatoes, corn, and most fruits. For knowing more about the best foods for diabetes control, you can further refer to this diet diabetes food chart present here.
Get Enough Sleep
Getting enough amount of sleep is important for good health. This is why people with poor sleeping habits tend to not live a healthy lifestyle. Various studies have all suggested that people who might be sleep-deprived gain weight quicker than those who might sleep well. Moreover, getting enough sleep which shall prevent proper weight gain. Sleep deprivation-like condition might lower the production of growth hormones and enhances cortisol levels, both of which are important for sugar control like an issue.
Plan For A Healthy Weight
Weight management is known to be another important factor which is diabetes management. It not only lowers health complications but also helps lower the risk of getting Type 2 Diabetes. Even a 10% reduction in the current weight can work wonders for health. Belly fat is known to be the most dangerous form of weight gain. This is why having a healthy waistline is known to be super important to your overall weight.
Control Carb Consumption For Controlling Diabetes
Carbohydrates are known to be the easiest way for converting things into glucose. This is why it is important for limiting carb consumption. One way of doing it is by counting the carbs while consuming them in a day. This might not help in lowering the level of sugar as soon as possible but in the long run too.
Relieve Stress Level
Stress condition can easily lead to conditions like havoc on health. It is further proof that stress-like conditions might release glucagon and cortisol, hormones which shall enhance sugar levels. Meditation, exercise, and relaxation are known to be ways for reducing stress levels. Studies might have further suggested that yoga can also enhance insulin sensitivity which is present in the body.
Stay Hydrated
Since diabetes-like conditions can lead to frequent urination or polyuria, it is also important for drinking lots of water and staying well hydrated for a longer time. This shall all help in lowering the sugar levels and it can also help in preventing the possibility of dehydration. For diabetics, it is important for drinking the proper amount of water and other non-caloric beverages they can rather opt for sugar-sweetened drinks.
Monitor Sugar Levels At Proper Intervals For Keeping A Well Check On Diabetes
The art of mastering diabetes management is by first knowing how advanced the condition is. This is why monitoring the proper level of sugar at regular intervals is needed. Moreover, it might also help to understand how different foods might affect sugar levels. Monitor the sugar levels with BeatO’s smartphone connected while having proper glucometers.
Even Out The Meals Consumption
It is also important for spreading the food throughout the day. One must never indulge in too much food as it might further spike the level of sugar. For instance, when one might have a dinner party planned out with friends, one should not have small meals during the day for splurging at night. The key is to eat the meals in proper moderation and consume small meals instead of consumption of three big meals.