What Does Skin Cancer Look Like

Skin cancer can appear in various forms, depending on its type. Several factors that influence its appearance include individual characteristics, skin type, and sun exposure history.

Changes in the skin may not necessarily indicate that the person has skin cancer. But there are some common signs and symptoms that hint towards skin cancer. 

Types and signs of skin cancer

The skin may change when the person has developed some type of cancer, related to the skin. Some signs may help determine whether the person may have skin cancer.

Some general characteristics of the most common types of skin cancer are as follows:

Basal cell carcinoma (BCC)

Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) is the most common type of skin cancer. It is highly treatable when diagnosed early stages.

It primarily affects the basal cells that are present lower layers of the epidermis, which is the outermost layer of the skin.

The likelihood of developing this type of cancer is typically high in areas of the skin that get easily exposed to the sun.

These areas include the face, neck, ears, scalp, and shoulders. However, it may occur anywhere on the body.

Appearance of Basal cell carcinoma(BCC)

A person with Basal cell carcinoma develops a pearly or waxy bump on their skin surface. The bump may appear pink, red, flesh-colored, or translucent.

The affected area may look flat, scaly, or slightly raised, which makes it resemble a stubborn scar or sore that does not heal.

The area is prone to easy bleeding. It may even crust over or form a scab, or develop into an ulcer.

Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC)

After Basal cell carcinoma(BCC), Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is the second most common type of skin cancer.

The cancer arises in the squamous cells, which are found in the upper layers of the outer layers of the skin, known as the epidermis.

Similar to BCC, SCC also develops in areas of the skin that get regularly exposed to the sun.

The skin areas susceptible to this type of cancer are the face, ears, neck, scalp, arms, and hands.

However, it can affect any part of the body, which may include mucous membranes and even internal organs.

Appearance of Squamous cell carcinoma(SCC)

The cumulative exposure of skin to UV rays contributes to this type of cancer. The person with SCC develops symptoms like a firm, red nodule or a flat, scaly lesion with a formation of cruston the skin.

The affected area may resemble a wart, an open sore, or a persistent, non-healing ulcer. The area may be tender to the touch and the patch can grow rapidly over time.


Melanoma is a type of skin cancer that develops in melanocytes, which are the pigment-producing cells found in the skin.

These cells give color to the skin. This cancer can appear on the skin surfaces that are most exposed to the sun.

Although it can occur in any part of the body, it can commonly appear in the parts where melanocytes are found, which include, the eyes, mucous membranes, and even internal organs.

Compared to the other types of skin cancers, such as basal cell carcinoma (BCC) and squamous cell carcinoma (SCC),melanoma is less common.

Early detection and timely treatment will prevent the risk of spreading cancer to other body parts.

Appearance of melanoma

Melanoma appears like a new mole or an existing mole that varies in size or diameter, color, shape, or texture. The mole may have an irregular shape and an asymmetrical border.

The area may resemble a dark spot, slightly raised above the surface, looking like an irregular patch on the skin.

The melanoma may appear different in color, such as shades of black, brown, blue, or red, within the same lesion.

Seek expert guidance

If you develop some unusual bump or lesions on your skin and suspect that it may be some type of skin cancer, then you must immediately see a healthcare provider.

Not all types of skin-related issues indicate skin cancer, but when it becomes bothersome, it is better to get tested. The earlier you get it diagnosed, the easier will be the treatment and recovery.

It is necessary to get regular skin self-examination and seek medical attention promptly in case you notice any concerning variations on your skin.

Talk to your healthcare provider, preferably a dermatologist for proper diagnosis and management. Additionally, individuals who are predisposed to the risk of skin cancer need to be more careful and receive immediate medical attention.

How Bad Is Lymphoma Cancer

Lymphoma is a type of blood cancer that impacts the lymphatic system, which is part of the body’s immune system. It affects the body’s germ-fighting network.

The lymphatic network includes lymph nodes, bone marrow,spleen, and thymus. The combined action of all these contributes to a strong system that helps the body fight infections and diseases effectively.

Lymphoma is characterized by the abnormal and uncontrollable growth of lymphocytes, which are a type of white blood cell (WBC). The condition leads to tumor formation.

The severity of lymphoma depends upon its type.Some type scan be treatable while others may have life-threatening consequences.

Types of lymphoma

This type of cancer can affect the body’s immune system response. As a result, such individuals become more prone to diseases. The immune system fails to protect them against infectious germs and pathogens.

Here are two main types of lymphoma cancers:

Hodgkin Lymphoma (HL)

Also known as Hodgkin’s disease, Hodgkin’s lymphoma is a type of cancer that impairs the lymphatic system. It is characterized by the presence of large abnormal cells, called Reed-Sternberg cells in the lymph nodes.

These large abnormal cells are multinucleated and are found in lymph nodes. This type of lymphoma cancer is relatively rare. It accounts for about 10% of all lymphoma cases.

The unusual growth typically begins in a single lymph node or a cluster of lymph nodes. This may gradually spread to other parts of the body over time.

Hodgkin’s lymphoma has high cure rates. This is possible, especially during the early stages of the disease. It can be completely curable in case of early detection and prompt treatment.

Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma (NHL)

Non-Hodgkin lymphoma is a type of cancer that is more common compared to Hodgkin’s lymphoma.The disease is an umbrella term that encompasses a diverse group of lymphomas.

The lymphomas under NHL do not contain Reed-Sternberg cells. Several risk factors increase the likelihood of developing this disease.

Individuals with this disease may experience common symptoms including swelling of lymph nodes, night sweats, fever, unusual weight loss, fatigue, itching, abdominal pain or swelling, and symptoms related to compression of the areas surrounded by enlarged lymph nodes.

Which type of lymphoma is dangerous?

The seriousness and dangers linked to the types of lymphoma depend on various factors such as its subtype, the stage at which it is being diagnosed, genetic makeup, and individual parameters such as age, overall health, and response to the treatment.

Compared to the other types, some subtypes of lymphoma are more aggressive in nature. They can rapidly spread or relapse after treatment. While some may grow slowly over time.

Generally, certain subtypes of non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) are considered to be more aggressive and riskier. The condition may contribute to severe damage to the lymphatic system.

The damage can make the body highly vulnerable to life-threatening infections and diseases. The survival rate is quite low in this type of lymphoma because it is mostly diagnosed during the advanced stages.

Factors that increase the risk of lymphoma

Researchers have not fully understood the exact reason for the occurrence of lymphoma. Here are several factors that may increase the chances of developing this type of cancer:

Genetic factors

An individual’s likelihood of developing lymphoma becomes high due to certain genetic mutations and abnormalities.

Those having genetic syndromes like Down’s syndrome and ataxia-telangiectasia are more prone to the risk of developing lymphoma.


Some infections can potentiate the individual’s risk of developing lymphoma cancer. These infections include Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori), Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), human T-cell leukemia or lymphoma virus (HTLV-1), and human herpesvirus 8 (HHV-8).

Immune system disorders

Some chronic health conditions such as autoimmune diseases,HIV/AIDS,and organ transplantation, can contribute to the weakening of the immune system. A weak immune system is highly susceptible to lymphoma cancer.


Individuals over the age of 60 are at a greater risk of developing lymphoma cancer. Although the disease can occur at any age, the likelihood of its occurrence is more common among older individuals.

Exposure to harmful radiation

Coming into contact with harmful radiations and poisonous chemicals like ionizing radiations, benzene can prove to be extremely toxic. This might increase your risk of lymphoma cancer. 

Indications of lymphoma

The signs of lymphoma may vary depending on various factors such as subtype, stage, age, location, etc. Some common symptoms include fever, night sweats, enlarged lymph nodes, fatigue, itching, skin rash, unusual weight loss, abdominal pain and swelling, chest, and shortness of breath.       

The lowdown

Early detection will prevent the risk of severe damage. Prompt treatment after detection will ensure positive outcomes and speedy recovery.

The Levels Of Eosinophils That Indicate Cancer

Eosinophils are a type of white blood cell that supports the body’s immune response. It is involved in protecting your body, defending it against parasitic infections, and modulating allergic reactions.

When there is an unusual rise in the levels of eosinophils in the blood, this could be a result of infections, allergic reactions, autoimmune disorders, and certain types of cancers.

Elevated levels of eosinophils do not necessarily indicate that the individual has cancer. The sudden rise in the levels of eosinophils in the context of cancer diagnosis depends on various factors.

Such factors include the specific type of cancer, the patient’s medical history, and other laboratory evaluations.

What are eosinophils?

There is a link between eosinophilia and certain types of cancers such aslymphomas or leukemias. This does not have to be necessarily true in every case, as elevated levels of eosinophils can occur in various conditions.

Eosinophils signify a small portion of the total white blood cell (WBC) in the blood. The function of eosinophils is to defend the body against parasites and modulation of allergic reactions.

It enhances the body’s defense mechanism by preventing foreign elements like parasites or germs from causing infections. Besides,eosinophils can also trigger allergic reactions and asthma.

Symptoms of eosinophils

The increase in eosinophils leads to symptoms like fatigue, rash, swelling, stomach pain, and shortness of breath.

How does get released in the body?

Eosinophils are produced in the soft tissue of the bones (bone marrow). When the bone marrow becomes matured, eosinophils travel to fatty tissue in your body, like your stomach.

Function of eosinophils

Eosinophil cells have small sand-like granules that cause a release of toxic protein, which destroys and consumes foreign objects or infectious pathogens. 

Eosinophils strengthen the body’s response to fighting off the invaded pathogens or germs. Its rise in count improves the body’s defensive response.

The infectious pathogens will be effectively fought, and the unwanted growth of organisms on other cells, and lastly, reduce the exposure to allergens. 

What is the normal range of eosinophils?

The eosinophil count in the blood must lie between the range of 0 to 500 cells per microliter. This is equivalent to around 1 to 4 % of the white blood cell (WBC) count.

When the levels of eosinophils are around 30 cells per microliter, this is considered too low. This condition is termed eosinopenia. Even when the count is very low, this will not be indicated through symptoms. The person may remain asymptomatic. 

Eosinophil counts are considered to be too high, ranging between 450 to 500 cells per microliter. This can be an indication that the immune system is not functioning optimally.

What level of eosinophils hints towards cancer?

High levels of eosinophils in the body do not essentially mean the person has some type of cancer. Most commonly, high eosinophil count has been associated with allergic reactions.

If your eosinophil count is between 0 to 500, it is normal. However, when the count goes higher, this can increase the likelihood of certain types of cancers.

A rise in the levels of eosinophils in the blood can be associated with several health conditions such as parasitic infection, allergic disorders, autoimmune diseases, eosinophilesophagitis, and certain types of cancers.

Types of cancers associated with increased eosinophils

Eosinophilic leukemia

Leukemia is a type of blood cancer that affects the body’s ability to fight infection.It affects the WBC. An unusual rise in the levels of eosinophils can be an indication of certain types of leukemia.

A person with high levels of eosinophil count in the body may have chronic or acute eosinophilic leukemia. Both of these cancer types have very rare occurrence.

Note that,eosinophil levels can also be raised in other types of cancers related to the blood and lymph nodes.

Colorectal cancer

Studies have revealed that the presence of numerous eosinophils around colorectal tumors is considered to be a good sign. This hints towards the possibilities of successful treatment.

Eosinophils is a not considered a good sign for Hodgkin lymphoma. The exact reason for this is not fully known yet.

Diagnosis and treatment

For performing diagnostic evaluation of cancer, healthcare providers use several different approaches, which include physical examination, medical history, screenings, and imaging tests such as X-rays, CT scans, or MRIs, laboratory tests (including blood sample tests and biopsies), and sometimes genetic testing.

If the eosinophil levels go up beyond normal levels, then this can indicate just a possibility of cancer. Remember, this is not necessarily a sign of definitive diagnostic criteria for cancer.





What Causes Colon Cancer

Colon cancer happens due to the abnormal growth of cells in the colon, which is the longest part of the large intestine.Colon cancer is also known as colorectal cancer.

The condition is characterized by the development of abnormal cells in the colon or rectum. The cells grow rapidly and uncontrollably, leading to tumor formation.
Researchers have not yet fully understood the true cause of colon cancer. It may be a result of factors like genetics, lifestyle, and environment combined.

Causes of colon cancer

Some potential factors that may contribute to the development of colon cancer are as follows:


Colon cancer can run in families. It may not be essentially passed down from parent to child, but inherited genetic mutations can potentiate the chances of developing it.

Genetic mutations may be passed down through generations, most probably in first-degree relatives. Families with a history of colon cancer are highly prone to this disease.

The possibility of getting colon cancer is significantly greater in case the individual has some genetic conditions.These conditions include familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) and Lynch syndrome (hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer, or HNPCC).

Family history

People with personal or family history of colorectal cancer are more susceptible to the risk of developing colon cancer.

Besides, those having a history of polyps or precancerous growths are also more likely to develop colon cancer.

The chances of colon cancer in families are high in first-degree relatives including parents, siblings, or children.


With an increasing age, the risk of colon cancer also increases. According to some sources, this type of cancer is mostly seen among individuals over the age of 50.

Although it can happen at any age, the rate of occurrence of colon cancer has been on the rise among younger adults in recent years.

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)

Individuals experiencing some chronic inflammatory conditions of the colon, such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease, are more prone to the risk of colon cancer.

Prolonged and persistent Inflammation can contribute to changes in the inner walls or linings of the colon.

An inflamed colon is susceptible to abnormal growth and development of cells, leading to the formation of tumors.

Obesity and lack of physical activity

Being physically inactive leads to weight gain and obesity. Obese individuals lead a sedentary lifestyle, which is associated with the risk factors for colon cancer and several other types of cancers.

It is essential to do some physical exercises to remain healthy and fit. Through regular physical activity, bowel movements happen regularly and the inflammation also gets reduced to a greater degree.

This will prevent weight gain and obesity. Individuals with a healthy weight are less likely to develop colon cancer.

Dietary factors

Certain types of diet can potentiate your risk of colon cancer. It is necessary to be aware of what you consume.

Foods such as processed meats, fruits, or vegetables low in fiber content, alcohol, sugary food or beverages, etc. can promote the development of cancerous growth in the colon.

It is necessary to avoid such foods and make your diet more fiber-rich.


Tobacco usage and smoking are associated with an increased risk of colon cancer as well as certain other types of cancers. Smoking and tobacco introduce the body to toxic substances that prove to be detrimental to overall health.

Such toxic substances contribute to damage to the inner walls or linings of the colon, which can lead to the development of cancer.

Excessive alcohol consumption

Individuals who consume excessive amounts of alcohol are more likely to develop colon cancer. This happens as alcohol contributes to the irritation of the inner linings of the colon and rectum.

The irritation in the walls of the colon affects the health of the cells and leads to abnormal cellular growth. This can cause the growth of cancerous tumors over time.

Seek timely treatment

It is necessary to acknowledge that not every individual with such risk factors will develop colon cancer. Certain factors listed above do potentiate the risk of the disease but it may not essentially lead to colon cancer in every individual.

Contrarily, individuals with no risk factors for colon cancer can still develop the disease. It is important to consult a healthcare provider who can suggest some diagnostic tests for evaluation and begin treatment on time.

To detect colon cancer, one has to undergo regular screening, which includes colonoscopies and stool tests. Early detection will reduce the damage and speed up the recovery time.







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