Genentech Biotechnology company | Genentech Biotechnology company is considered as the founder of the industry. It is now a member of the Roche Group that delivers on the promise of biotechnology for more than 40 years. This pharmaceutical company, a biotechnology company devoted to pursuing groundbreaking science to discover and develop medicines for people with life-threatening conditions. The company’s transformational discoveries include the first targeted antibody for cancer and the first medicine for primary progressive multiple sclerosis. The company after the merger agreement, Roche and Genentech Biotechnology company combined its pharmaceutical operations in the United States. The headquarter of the company located in South San Francisco now serves as the headquarters for Roche pharmaceutical operations in the United States. Genentech Biotechnology company engages in research, development, manufacture, and marketing of biotechnology products for life-threatening health conditions. As a fundamental part of its corporate mission and values, the company is committed to the highest standards of behavior. These mentioned high standards are important to its success and represent how it operates as a business. The standards, which the company pronouns the U.S. Pharma Code of Conduct, apply to its officers and employees, as well as to the directors in their activities on the company’s behalf. The company works hard to train its employees and to prevent, detect, and correct instances of non-compliance. |